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Nutrition at Mountain View Chiropractic

Woman preparing fruit cupAt Mountain View Chiropractic, you’ll find the only registered dietitian in our area that’s in private practice. If you’re looking for another way to optimize your health, our personalized nutrition plans may give you just what you need.

Test, Don’t Guess

We start off with doing our homework, which means a range of testing is ordered to make sure we understand your individual needs. Based on your blood tests, we’ll guide you in which foods are best for you and which are harmful.

We generally recommend an ancestral, innate or ketogenic diet, which we have found to be the best ways to promote your healing.

Autoimmune Issues and Gut Health

Two incredibly common issues today are autoimmunity, which can lead to a range of symptoms, and gut-related problems. We believe that many of today’s health challenges all start in the gut, so we focus a great dealing on gut-healing protocols.

Rather than chasing after your symptoms, we heal and seal the gut, which is going to help further downstream.

Call Now

Interested in scheduling an appointment? Contact Mountain View Chiropractic today!

Nutrition in Rapid City SD | (605) 791-4030